Andrea 363/365

Technology FAIL. Zane has only had one phone call while in boot camp - for
2 minutes about 3 weeks ago. Sunday late afternoon/evening we were grilling
out. I even walked in and got my phone JUST IN CASE he might call. My
phone died. I have never let my phone go completely dead before. Kip's
phone was still on his motorcycle from his ride earlier in the day. Of
course, as luck would have it, Zane DID call. Couldn't get me. Couldn't
get Kip. Couldn't get Ashley (she was in an area with no service) so he
ended up calling his best friend, Denver. Who later called us and told us
he had called. He was so bummed that he didn't get any of us. Of course, I
felt terrible. Ashley was beside herself. It was only much later that I
discovered his text message. Which just started the tears all over again!


RobinTwo August 30, 2010 at 11:23 PM  

Oh Man :( Your phone died with you were talking to me :( Now I feel bad too....

Mary Jane August 31, 2010 at 5:42 AM  

R2, we all feel bad. :( Made me want to cry when she called and told me.

Andrea August 31, 2010 at 9:34 AM  

R2 - don't feel bad. it happens. i would have died when i was talking to him, too. i know he was bummed though!


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