Mary Jane 360/365
Uh oh. Storm's a brewing...gotta get home and put on JackBastard's
Thundershirt. Best $40 bucks I've ever spent. Poor Jack does not like
thunderstorms. A friend of mine told me about the Thundershirt. It's just
a cotton t-shirt, but instead of slipping it over his head, it velcros
snuggly underneath his tummy and across his chest. Supposedly the pressure
it puts in those areas, is calming. The first couple of storms he wore it,
it did seem to calm him down, but not 100%. But in the middle of night a
storm hit and Jack was about to stroke out, so on went his Thundershirt.
And I'll be darned the dog curled up and went right to sleep!
I think JackBastard's "thundershirt" is truly amazing. It kept him very calm while he had his house guests last week.....
Us girls have thundershirts...they're called BRAS and we were them every day to keep us calm. :-) Bridge
Is *that* why we wear them? I thought it was just to keep the boobage from bouncing when I don't want it to!
The Thundershirt sounds great! I had a German Shepherd that would climb into the bathtub whenever it got stormy! What a chicken! Wish I'd known about the Thundershirt then.
Yeah Linda, it's a miracle for sure. Now if i could just find a keep him from being so ugly to his brother!
Aww, Jack isn't too much of a bastard....of course now he need to live up to his new name. LOL!! And.............Bubba just needs to grow a little hair on his balls....Shhhhhhh.......don't tell him I said that....he was so nice to share his room with me... xo
Too late. Bubba's already got hairy balls. LOL
Ask Bridgie about her ThunderPants. Calming, they're not!
"Bridgie" tell us about your thunder pants............ :)
"Bridgie" tell us about your thunder pants............ :)
"Bridgie" tell us about your thunder pants............ :)
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